Friday, January 17, 2014

I hate when my sister hurts me


     Dear friends,

               Today was a good day all except for what my sister did to me. Okay so here is how it all started. I got up at 6:37 a.m. to get ready for school. I got dressed into pants and a long green shirt with diamond stars and made my bed, then i put on some flower earrings and ate a burrito, brushed my teeth and went to school at 7:40 a.m.  Why so early you ask? Well because my dad was at work and it is snowy outside and so my mom had to take me. Also because I have a band thing called wind ensemble and my brother has to be at school by 8:00 a.m. and my mom has to be at work at 8:00 a.m.  and it is hard to go to two different places in 10 minutes.

               When I got to school I went to the band room and got my clarinet and until everyone filled the room I was warming up. We played a new song and I liked it. After band I went to my first period and I had a very good time. Then i went to my second period. It is social studies and it is cool. Then i went to language arts. We did a poem about our book. I went to lunch and had a sloppy Joe. Then I went to math and did a test. After that I went to second language and I did a Spanish test. Later i went to science and I dissected a worm, which was very fun. After that I went to directed studies and read the whole period. My last period was physical education.

                Then my dad and brother picked me up from school. They took me home and my brother unlocked the door and I had had my hand out because I asked him to hold my clarinet case and I reached for it and then my sister kicked me in the back of my leg and I barely tapped her foot with mine so she will stop. Then she started going crazy and kept kicking me and all I was doing was blocking her kicks with my leg.

I hope you can help me. thanks if you liked it then comment thanks.

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